Hacking with ETHGlobal in 6 countries around the world 🗺

7 min readApr 4, 2023


This hacker success story comes in Japanese and English — meet Yuki!


はじめたしおbeyondClubずいう、ブランドやクリ゚むタヌが「Starbuck Odyssey」のようなNFTロむダリティプログラムを簡単に始められるプロダクトを䜜っおいるYukiです


たた、Media DAOであるBanklessの日本版「Bankless Japan」も運営しおおり、グロヌバルの深い情報をニュヌスレタヌでお届けしおいるのでぜひ賌読ください。





ETHGlobalのハッカ゜ンずしおは、ETHOnline, ETHBogotá, ETHSanFrancisco, ETHIndiaに参加したした。

最初に参加したETH CCParisのハッカ゜ンでは、時間内に提出できないくらい酷いレベルでしたが、少しず぀ハッカ゜ン自䜓にも慣れおきお、Bogotaでは合蚈で玄100䞇円分のプラむズをもらうこずができたした。

プロゞェクトずしおは、DeFi系やDapp Storeなど幅広く、倚くのプロトコルを䜿い、さたざたな方向性を詊したした。

ETHOnline: https://ethglobal.com/showcase/loanyee-4zgcn

ETHBogotá: https://ethglobal.com/showcase/dappstop-fp7y3

ETHSanFrancisco: https://ethglobal.com/showcase/coverfi-ocn0q

ETHIndia: https://ethglobal.com/showcase/beyondclub-k48zn


1. ハッカヌずの暪の繋がり



今たでチヌムを組んだ人ずは、ETH Denverなどその埌のむベントでも再䌚しお、たるで昔からの友達かのような距離で今も぀ながっおいたす。

2. スポンサヌずの぀ながり



ハッカ゜ンで知り合った、Superfluidや、PUSH Protocol、Unlock Protocolなどのファりンダヌやチヌムずは今でも仲良くさせおもらっおおり、定期的に連絡も取り合っおいたす。

3. プラむズ




4. スワッグ & フリヌフヌド










ETH Globalからハッカ゜ンぞの参加の承認を受け、必芁なETHをデポゞットした埌、今回のハッカ゜ン専甚のDiscordチャネルに参加するこずができたす。





ETH Globalのハッカ゜ンチャンネルの䞭でスポンサヌごずのチャンネルが䜜られ、そこでスポンサヌず連絡を取るこずが可胜です。各スポンサヌのDiscordに入る方が連絡は取りやすいかもしれたせん。














Twitter : https://twitter.com/yukiw_eth

beyondClub : https://beyondclub.xyz/

Bankless Japan : https://banklessjp.substack.com/

🇬🇧 English version:

Nice to meet you! My name is Yuki, and I am working on a project called beyondClub that allows brands and creators to easily start an NFT loyalty program, similar to “Starbuck Odyssey”!

We start beyondClub at ETHIndia last year, and continued working together with two developers I met at ETHIndia, while onboarding 2 team members from the Philippines as well as one British person. We are collaborating with platforms like Polygon, Unlock, and Paper while also talking to multiple creators and brands.

In addition, I am also working on “Bankless Japan,” the Japanese version of the media outlet DAO Bankless, where we deliver information from the world of web3 through newsletters. Please subscribe if you’re interested!

Participating in hackathons in six countries around the world in one year

In 2021, I co-founded a service called “Pont” that allows creators to easily sell using their smartphones and supported creators. During this time, I had the opportunity to research NFTs and tokens more deeply. I thought that using these could reduce creators’ dependence on platforms, create communities that build deeper relationships with fans, and bring about new ways and paradigms for creators and brands. So I decided to sell Pont and fully commit to crypto/Web3.

I was personally following the information, but I hadn’t been able to follow it as a business, so I decided to focus on catching up with the cutting edge technology in 2022. I attended conferences around the world and participated in six hackathons in the second half of last year.

What we built at hackathons in 2022

For hackathons by ETHGlobal, I participated in ETHOnline, ETHBogota, ETHSanFrancisco, and ETHIndia.

At the first hackathon I ever attended, ETH CC (Paris), my skills where quite terrible still — I couldn’t submit anything within the time limit. But gradually, I got used to the hackathon itself, and at Bogota, I was able to receive a total of about one million Japanese Yen in prizes.

As a project, we tried various directions, including DeFi and Dapp Store, using a wide range of protocols.

ETHOnline: https://ethglobal.com/showcase/loanyee-4zgcn

ETHBogotá: https://ethglobal.com/showcase/dappstop-fp7y3

ETHSanFrancisco: https://ethglobal.com/showcase/coverfi-ocn0q

ETHIndia: https://ethglobal.com/showcase/beyondclub-k48zn

What can you gain from participating in a hackathon?

1. Connections with other hackers

The biggest gain from participating in a hackathon is undoubtedly the connections you make with other hackers.

In an environment where builders are completely immersed in creating a product for about three days, there are many opportunities to make friends with people from not only your own team, but also other teams. Even if they are not related to your business, the feeling of making friends around the world is very special and it’s a great opportunity to broaden your horizons.

I have personally reunited with team members at events such as ETHDenver and we still remain connected like old friends.

2. Connections with Sponsors

At a hackathon, each sponsor has a booth and is always available to answer questions from hackers. Some protocols even provide 24-hour support.

It’s a rare opportunity to directly connect with people who are running protocols or projects on the front lines, so it’s best to take advantage of those connections that could be useful for future business.

I think it’s great to be able to maintain good relationships with founders and teams such as Superfluid, PUSH Protocol, and Unlock Protocol, who I met at the hackathon, and we still keep in touch regularly.

3. Prizes

There are two types of prizes at ETHGlobal’s hackathons: overall finalist prizes (about 10–15 winning teams will receive this) and prizes offered by each sponsor.

I don’t think that winning prizes is the main purpose for most participants, but it’s definitely exciting to have the opportunity to win prizes that can cover travel expenses and other costs for attending events abroad.

In addition, winning sponsor prizes is a great opportunity to get closer to sponsors and build relationships with them.

4. Swag & Free Food and Beverage

One essential part of a hackathon is the swag and souvenirs provided by each sponsor and ETHGlobal itself, such as clothes and accessories.

You can receive a considerable amount of T-shirts and socks, so you can get by without bringing extra clothes even at international events.

During the hackathon, meals are also provided, and it’s enjoyable to eat local cuisine and share these special meals with your team.

Tips for hackathons?

Although there may not be relevant tips for you, I would like to share what I learned from participating in hackathons.

Decide on your purpose

Firstly, I think it’s important to determine your purpose for participating in the hackathon as the first step.

Decide if you want to get closer to a certain sponsor, gain multiple awards to show off, use the opportunity for global teams to meet in real life, or any other goal before the hackathon begins.

Form a team beforehand if possible

Once you have received approval to participate in the hackathon from ETHGlobal and have deposited the necessary ETH, you can join the dedicated Discord channel for the hackathon.

There is a channel called “Find-a-team”, where it is recommended to share your product ideas in advance and recruit team members.

By connecting on Discord beforehand and having conversations on Zoom or other platforms, you can start developing immediately on the day of the hackathon.

Even if you were unable to form a team beforehand, there will be time to form teams on the day of the hackathon.

Contact sponsors on Discord or other platforms beforehand

Channels for each sponsor are created within ETHGlobal’s hackathon channel, and you can contact them there. (It might be easier to contact them by joining each sponsor’s Discord channel.)

If you have some idea of what you want to create and which sponsor’s protocol you want to use, it may help to contact the sponsor beforehand to express your intention or ask questions. This can help to build a closer relationship when you actually meet offline.


One thing you need to be careful about during the hackathon is WiFi. I did experience issues with WiFi, but this doesn’t have to be the case for you. It is recommended to move to a nearby cafe or other location as a team as soon as possible once you experience it.

beyondClub: Turning a hackathon project into a business

As I mentioned earlier, we are currently working on turning a project called “beyondClub” that we started at ETHIndia hackathon into a solid business with the team we met there.

Although a hackathon may seem short, lasting only 36 hours, during those 36 hours, you spend almost all of your time together, eating meals together, and working on the product together, so you can develop a very close relationship.

At ETHIndia, we were able to receive prizes from Polygon and other sources, and we felt potential both as a product and as a team, so immediately after the hackathon, I approached two members who worked with me, and we decided to continue working on this product together.

We are mainly working online now, but thanks to our experience working together at the hackathon, we are progressing very smoothly with development.

Of course, compared to the hackathon, there are many things to consider when it comes to business, such as customers, competitors, and finance, but I think we are steadily moving forward day by day thanks to the hackathon experience and our global team.

At this hackathon, I myself am planning to invite the two members from India to Tokyo to participate in the beyondClub team.

I look forward to meeting everyone at the hackathon 💙




Onboarding thousands of developers to the Ethereum ecosystem. Supported by L4, SV Angel, and the Ethereum Foundation.