ETHOnline 2021

8 min readNov 23, 2021


Highlights from our largest event so far…

ETHOnline broke our previous record for attendance, eclipsing this year’s HackMoney event.

This fall, nearly twelve hundred hackers from around the world joined us online to celebrate a year of progress in Ethereum. In its second year, ETHOnline brought the ecosystem together under one roof, connecting the dots between the projects, developers, and hackers of all backgrounds to watch the magic happen.


  • 1,160+ Staked Hackers
  • 54 Partner Teams
  • $350,000 in Prizes
  • 77 Countries & 19 Timezones
  • 218 Project Submissions
  • 17 Finalists

Our 17 ETHOnline Finalists were chosen from over 200+ projects, while dozens of other projects won prizes awarded by our partners. Each of these teams built solutions that explored new possibilities in web3, presenting a snapshot of the current momentum in our ecosystem. Read up on our finalists below, and head over to the project showcase to view more.

Hackers joined us from almost every continent (let us know if you have any friends in Antarctica…)

Our Finalists:

Nifty Pixels

“Nifty Pixels is an NFT marketplace where you can create, buy, and sell pixel art NFTs”

The Team: @pencilflip, @petrichorate

What we liked: Nifty Pixels stands out with a clean & friendly design, gas-conscious minting on Polygon, and the deft usage of Arweave to permanently store NFT metadata.

🔪 Splice

“A generative art project that renders deterministic, validated header images for existing NFTs”

The Team: @stadolf, @emilyaweil, @timothycbkr

Why we chose it: Splice generates building blocks for metaverse creation. When you input your NFT, Splice extracts its features and metadata and generates an array of derivative elements. Anyone who owns an NFT in a collection can create a matching header image on Splice.

🐶 Degen Dogs

“An NFT series that invests in DeFi and streams money to owners.”

The Team: @mthacks

What we liked: DeFi meets NFTs with interoperability.

📕 NFT Metadata Explorer

“A custom metadata explorer for any NFT collection that can be deployed quickly.”

The Team: @0ceans404

What interested us: As the NFT space grows, processing collections at size will be essential. This project showed how efficient that future could be.

🍵 Just Mint

“A batch-based system to mint and distribute NFTs powered by ChainLink VRF.”

The team: @santicammi

Why we picked it: This protocol provides a lootbox system as service for game developers who need to implement an async reward system.


“ is an all-in-one NFT analytics tool, for everyone. Tracks new mints, trending projects, and statistics for every Ethereum-based NFT.”

The Team: @0xkatz

What interested us: “Several of its powerful analytics tools makes this project a must-have for NFT fans. Its hot collections feature indexes all opensea transactions on the ETH blockchain, and WAGMI uses a hype score to do sentiment analysis on tweets. There’s even a rarity tool that rank individual NFT within collection by rarity.”

💿 Variety.Finance

“Variety defends the interest of Liquidity Providers (LPs) by developing LP Protection features for UniswapV2-like protocols and channeling savings into a treasury fund for LPs. In this way, LPs benefit from the long term to offset impermanent loss.”

The Team: @variety_finance, @0xShawarma, @iamunclebill, @yrikk

Why it’s cool: Liquidity Providers are the backbone of the DeFi economy. With Variety Finance, LPs benefit from the long term appreciation of their governance token/fund to offset impermanent loss.

💰 Vialend

“A Uniswap V3 automated liquidity management tool that uses a unique vault design combining lending and V3 pools.”

The Team: @withCarlosO

What we liked: Unlike other existing active liquidity management protocols for Uniswap V3, Vialend uses a unique vault design that pulls assets from lending pools in order to rebalance and avoid swap fees.

🍲 Myso

“Zero-Liquidation Loans: building DeFi’s first loan option that spares borrowers from liquidations!”

The Team: @MysoFinance, @yieldswap

What we liked: Borrowers can borrow against their crypto-holdings but no longer face the pain of liquidation penalties and stressful LTV health monitoring. This is accomplished by giving borrowers the option to repay their loan either in the borrowed currency or the collateral currency, bearing similarities to so called dual currency deposits.

👩‍🌾 Silo Finance

“Silo Finance aims to be the safest and easiest way to borrow and lend any crypto asset. With our unique deposit strategies, users get the highest interest rate on their ETH deposits adjusted for their risk tolerance.”

The Team: @shadowyedd, @SiloFinance

What we enjoyed: “Unlike other isolated lending protocols, every asset can be used as collateral. Each Silo supports only 2 assets, ETH and a unique token. By isolating the risk of any asset to a specific Silo, new and higher-risk assets can be immediately utilized in lending markets without causing systemic risk to assets held in other Silos. The impact of an asset being hacked, exploited or manipulated is limited to the value of the 2 assets held in that specific Silo. Silo’s composability also gives this the potential to become a key DeFi lego in the near future.”

🌞 Risedle

“Risedle is a decentralized Crypto Leveraged ETFs market protocol”

The Team: @bayualsyah

What we liked: For investors, Risedle is a simple way to gain leveraged exposure to a variety of crypto assets without paying daily management and streaming fees or risking liquidation. For lenders, Risedle is a secure way to lend their idle assets because the risk of their loans being undercollateralized or liquidated is minimized. All of this in addition to their composability and good UI/UX makes us excited for the project’s future.

🦈 LonesomeShark

“Using flash loans as a source for good to offer liquidation protection to DeFi borrowers.”

The Team: @sianjon, @loansomeshark, @mikepaonam, @aashishmethani

Why we thought it was cool: LonesomeShark’s friendly and easy-to-use UI makes the DeFi borrowing process easier.

🪐 Neptune

“Neptune creates a financial layer on top of StackOverflow”

The Team: @0xKipit, @0xMikado, @dtbuchholz , @israelmuca

What we liked: This project incentivizes the developer community to answer questions and help build projects.

♻️ Andsub

“On-chain subscriptions as NFTs paid in ERC20 tokens”

The Team: @andsubhq, @jackqack, @ilyaviache

What caught our attention: Andsub providies a UX friendly dashboard to manage subscriptions and a checkout page with great UX to make the subscription process easy and fast, and plans to expand to L2 networks like Polygon in the future.


“Unlock protocol for your eth address details. Powered by Superfluid and Polygon. Live today at"

The Team: @theleoruss

What was cool: The protocol allows users to keep their pseudoanonymity while getting paid for their work via money streams. This can become a key lego in DAO organization and worker incentivization.

🪝🧱 Blockhook

“Block Hook is a mircoservice to trigger custom webhooks based on onchain contract events.”

The Team: @barakchamo, @jasperdegens

What we liked: Currently, running your own server is needed to sync offchain data to onchain events blockchain because there are no simple to use generalized solutions. Block Hook is a microservice that lets you easily create webhooks (exposed web2 apis) that are triggered by onchain transactions and data.

🧙‍♂️ Paymagic

“Paymagic is a payment tool for DAOs and crypto teams. Send batch transfers, airdrops, vesting schedules, streaming payments, and more all from one easy to use app.”

The Team: @corbpage, @eiber_david, @SethFeibus

What stood out: The market for DAO tools is exploding and they need simple payment tools for sending a variety of smart contract-enabled payments for their operations but no single, easy-to-use app exists for them. Paymagic operates at the intersection of all these trends and seeks to provide the best tools and user experience to support the growth of these markets.

A celebration of Ethereum

ETHOnline was a perfect way to cap off an incredible year in our ecosystem. To celebrate, we hosted talks and workshops from every part of the community. Check out some of the highlights below.

We kicked off on a high note, bringing in Vitalik Buterin and Karl Floersch to talk about Retroactive Public Goods Funding. The following weeks saw packed summits on Governance and DAOs, NFTs, DevTools, and the Merge. Through these sessions, hackers and summit attendees were able join the conversations on the current challenges and opportunities in our ecosystem.

On top of these incredible events, summits and workshops led by our partner teams delivered actionable information directly to hackers working with the technologies in real-time. ETHOnline was abuzz with conversations and collaboration all month long.

ETHOnline Partners

The past month wouldn’t have been possible without the support of our partners and sponsors. Thanks for joining the event, mentoring hackers, hosting workshops, and participating in judging!

Our incredible partners of ETHOnline 2021

Thanks to everyone that participated in the hackathon, joined us at the Summits, or both! It wouldn’t have been such an incredible month without you, and we look forward to creating even better experiences in the future.

Up Next

Our final event of the year is happening now! Join us + our friends at Protocol Labs for Web3 Jam, a two-week virtual hackathon focused on decentralized media, Web3, and NFTs. Though applications have closed, don’t miss the Finale—streaming Wednesday, Nov. 24th at 12pm ET on

For more exciting updates on or events and future hackathons, follow us on twitter, or join our Community Discord.




Written by ETHGlobal

Onboarding thousands of developers to the Ethereum ecosystem. Supported by L4, SV Angel, and the Ethereum Foundation.

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