Recap: Superhack 🔴🔵🪩🌐

7 min readAug 23, 2023


The onchain future is multi-layered, multi-author and first and foremost: bright! Superhack was one for the books. Here’s the full rundown of one our biggest online hackathons this year.

The Superhack Hacker Map visualizing our truly global community

The mission was straightforward: Endorsing onchain activity and fostering collaboration in the Ethereum ecosystem. What made this hackathon extraordinary was the fantastic group of partners we were able to dive into this initiative with: Optimism, Base, Worldcoin and Zora.

The result — 295 incredible projects submitted. We are just as excited as you are, to provide you with the recap of this unforgettable hackathon!

✂️ The tl;dr of Superhack

🙋‍♂️ 1200 Hackers
🌎 87 Countries Represented
🤝 4 Co-hosts and 14 Ecosystem Partners
💸 $175,000+ in Prizes
🚀 295 Projects Submitted
🏆 10 Finalists

All projects created at Superhack 2023 at a glance

But first: Why Superhack?

Without a doubt, Layer 2 technologies have emerged as the solution for a variety of Ethereum network problems. These innovations, which offload some processing and computation from the main Ethereum network, have quickly become our great hope for scalability, performance enhancements and ultimately onboarding the masses onto Ethereum.

We’re thrilled to have once again proven with Superhack: Online hackathons are one of the best ways to unleash new talent and innovation in coordinated groups, working in a variety of discplines that push the space further — beyond geographical borders and limitations.

From developer tools, DeFi and Metaverse, to Social Networks, Infrastructure and Payment Solutions: We have witnessed brilliant teams from all around the globe building incredible things. Projects, that will sustainably benefit the industry.

The Superhack Mint

This is alone is worth celebrating. That’s we made this Open Mint available for a limited amount of time to everyone who wanted to join us in commemorating this special hackathon, supported by some of the pioneering teams in the space.
You can view the artwork here on ZORA. [Mint is closed]

Our special Superhack NFT

📺 The Opening Ceremony

With anticipation at an all-time high, thousands of hackers tuned in to to get a glimpse of what was to come for the next two weeks. Kartik Talwar, our Co-Founder, kicked off the ceremony with his words of encouragement to all of our attendees taking on the exciting journey to Superhack the Superchain!

Simultaneously, Kartik gave the signal that hacking has officially started and explained all the important logistics for this event.

🛠️ Workshops

Partner workshops at the beginning of both our online and in-person hackathons are a crucial parameter for best preparing our hackers for the challenge to come.

If you were not able to attend the hackathon, you don’t have to miss out on exploring the endless possibilities of our partners’ tech stacks. You can now watch all the workshops listed below, practically compiled in one playlist on our ETHGlobal YouTube channel!

Selected Superhack Workshops:

All Workshops are available forever on our Youtube Channel!

🎙 Superhack Summit

We knew we had something special on our hands from the minute we assembled our list of collaborators. Therefore we wanted to provide our builders with deeper insights into the latest advancements. That’s why we invited all our builders to gather for the Superhack Summit, an afternoon of talks from some of the most insightful and successful contributors in the space. This gave our community additional fuel and inspiration for the upcoming weeks.

And who better to discuss the Future of the Superchain than those on the following roster of speakers?

From left to right: Karl Floersch, Marek Olszewski, James Ross, Jesse Pollak & Devin Walsh

The summit kicked off with an energetic talk from Karl giving his very personal take on what the Superchain is and what it needs to flourish in the future. The community was excited by Karl’s vision and did not hesitate to share their thoughts in the comments. Next: Marek shared “Celo’s L2 Proposal for Scaling Up the Tempo of Affordable Transactions” with the audience. After that, our viewers were curious to learn more about Mode Network, as James Ross joined us for a promising talk named “Mode: OP Stack for Hypergrowth.”

If you have been on Crypto-Twitter recently at all, you would have noticed that the Onchain Summer with Base is in full swing. We were lucky to have had Jesse Pollak with us, who shared his personal take on recent achievements and the road that lies ahead of us all to onboard the masses. Last but certainly not least: We welcomed back Devin Walsh on stage for a talk about “Multichain Uniswap”.

📹 You can find all the recordings of this unique get-together of some of the brightest minds on our Youtube channel: Watch the Superhack summit here!

🏁 The Superhack Finale

Finally, the moment we had all been eagerly anticipating had arrived — the finalists were about to showcase what they build and all prize winners are being announced! Among the 1200 hackers hailing from 87 countries, Kartik Talwar announced the 10 finalists and all achievements along the way on with great excitement. With that, we dove straight into the demo sessions, witnessing the remarkable projects that emerged from this hackathon. These projects stood as a testament to the incredible talent and unwavering dedication of the ETHGlobal community 💙

You can watch all finalist demos & the Closing Ceremony here!

As the tenth and final demo concluded, this marked the official end of the Superhack hackathon. We invite you to explore all the projects built during this event on our official Showcase Page 👇

And don’t forget to spread the love by sharing our finalist thread with your circle on Twitter:

🤝 Superhack Partners & Thank Yous

We are thrilled and grateful to have collaborated with some of the pioneers in the ecosystem for this. We’re sure you are familiar with them at this point, but let us reintroduce them quickly:

We would like to express our appreciation to all ecosystem partners, mentors, speakers, support staff, and judges who played a crucial role in making this hackathon possible and ensuring that our hackers were well taken care of. Your contributions and support were instrumental in creating an exceptional experience for all involved.

We are fortunate to have an incredible team behind the scenes that is supporting our hackers throughout their journey! Their presence ensured that our hackers could fully unleash their creativity and showcase their ingenuity to the fullest extent — and it showed!

Last but not least, we would like to thank each and every hacker that took part in this event. We feel so lucky to have you join us again and again. These hackathons would not have the profound impact they do without your dedication and involvement. Thank you all! 🫶

We look forward to you joining us at our next hackathon:

ETHGlobal New York, September 22–24

We are back in one of the most iconic cities in the world!
New York: The city that never sleeps when it comes to pushing the boundaries. Join us for a weekend-long adventure to advance the Ethereum ecosystem. We hope the stunning views of Pier Sixty will inspire you to try your best as you get a chance to win over $450,000 USD in prizes!

🗽 Apply here:

ETHOnline 2023, October 3–27

ETHGlobal’s flagship online hackathon is back: The idea for the first ETHOnline formed out of sheer necessity. As we were forced to take a break from in-person events back in 2020, we raced to create a virtual equivalent that could inspire the same magical feeling. Three years later, ETHOnline 2023 has grown into one of the most exciting events on our calendar, anticipated by hackers all over the world.

📠 Apply now:

We look forward to seeing you again soon,
The ETHGlobal Team 💙




Onboarding thousands of developers to the Ethereum ecosystem. Supported by L4, SV Angel, and the Ethereum Foundation.